Regulating the Professions

The College is a statutory body established under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) in Manitoba. The College has legislated authority and responsibility to regulate the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology. The College is obligated to establish criteria for registration and ongoing criteria to maintain eligibility to practice the professions in Manitoba.

Details of the legislative framework of the College are spelled out in a series of legislated documents as enacted by the Manitoba Legislature.

Note: The online versions of the laws of Manitoba are not official. The links provided through this website are for convenience only. Please be aware of the disclaimers regarding accuracy or completeness at on-line access points and consult official versions for accurate and complete versions.


The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) was enacted to consolidate the regulation of health professions in Manitoba.

Prior to the RHPA coming into force, there were 21 statutes regulating 22 different health professions. These statutes will all be repealed over time and each profession will then be regulated under the RHPA, with profession specific regulations.

The College of Audiologists and SpeechLanguage Pathologists of Manitoba was the first regulatory body to be established under the RHPA, coming into force 1st January 2014.

Under the RHPA, health care provided by health professionals is regulated through reserved acts instead of through exclusive scopes of practice. Only certain regulated health professions and qualified, skilled members of those professions are allowed to perform reserved acts.

Practice of Audiology and Practice of Speech-Language Pathology Regulation 191/2013

The Practice of Audiology and Practice of Speech-Language Pathology Regulation 191/2013was enacted to bring the professions of audiology and speechlanguage pathology under the RHPA; the provisions which enabled the transition of the professions to the new legislation are provided in this Regulation.

The Regulation defines the scope of practice of audiology as:

  1. the assessment of auditory and vestibular functions; and
  2. the treatment and prevention of auditory and vestibular dysfunctions;

to develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment auditory, vestibular, and communicative functions and auditory and vestibular health. The scope of practice includes education, administration, and research related to audiology.

The Regulation defines the scope of practice of speech-language pathology as:

  1. the assessment of speech and language functions related communication disorders and swallowing functions; and
  2. the treatment and prevention of speech and language dysfunctions and disorders, including vocal tract dysfunction and related swallowing dysfunctions and disorders;

to develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment oral motor, communicative functions, vocal tract dysfunction, or elective modifications of communication behaviours, and to enhance communication. The scope of practice includes education, administration and research related to speech-language pathology.

The Regulation specifies the reserved acts that can be performed by audiologists and speech-language pathologists.

Audiologists are authorized to perform six (6) reserved acts.

Speech-Language Pathologists are authorized to perform eight (8) reserved acts.

The College of Audiology and Speech–Language Pathology of Manitoba General Regulation 192/2013:

  1. Provide for the registration of registrants of the College;
  2. Specify which category of registrants can perform specified reserved acts and the limits and conditions on the performance of those reserved acts;
  3. Regulate the use of titles of the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology;
  4. Set out the Standards of Practice of the professions; and
  5. Set out continuing competency requirements for registrants of the College.

The Regulated Health Professions (Ministerial) Regulation 195/2013:

  1. Allows the term “registered” to be used by non-regulated health care practitioners who are members of certain organizations. These practitioners would otherwise be prohibited from using the term “registered” as part of a title describing his or her work.
  2. Allows for the use of the term ”college” by colleges that will not be regulated under the Act, such as the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
  3. Provides for the form and contents of the oath of office taken by council members of a college.
  4. Provides for the information that must be included on a college’s website, including the college’s duties and mandate, the scope of practice of the regulated profession, the list of reserved acts that can be performed by the profession and contact information


Code of Ethics

Registrants of the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Manitoba (the College) shall maintain high standards of conduct and moral judgment in their practices and relationships with clients, the public and fellow practitioners. Registrants will be guided by principles and rules that assist registrants to choose the right, fair, good, and just action. These principles and rules are stated as the Code of Ethics.

This Code of Ethics seeks to provide ethical foundations for the practice of audiology and speech-language pathology which:

a) are consistent with the Regulated Health Professions Act, (the Act), and

b) foster sound moral reasoning and personal integrity in professional conduct.

Section 86 of the Act requires registrants to comply with the Act and regulations, standards of practice, code of ethics and practice directions of the College. Violations of the Code of Ethics may be investigated by the Complaints Investigation Committee of the College.


Practice Directions

The College may issue Practice Directions in respect of the practice of the regulated health professions, (RHPA Section 85). These Practice Directions may be stand-alone documents or may enhance, explain, add to or guide registrants of the College with respect to subject matters described in the regulations, code of ethics or other College documents.

A registrant of the College must comply with practice directions for the registrant’s health profession, (RHPA Section 86).

Official College documents such as Practice Directions contain practice parameters and standards which must be considered by all Manitoba audiologists and speech-language pathologists in the provision of health care service to their clients in the practice of the professions. College documents are developed in consultation with the professions and describe current professional expectations. It is important to note that these College documents may be used by the College or other bodies in determining whether appropriate standards of practice and professional responsibilities have been maintained.

Hence, registrants shall comply with all applicable sections of the RHPA, General Regulation, and Practice Directions.  In the event of any inconsistency between a Practice Direction and any legislation that governs the practice of audiology and speech-language pathology, the legislation governs.

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Interprofessional Collaborative Care

*NEW* Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) & FAQs

*UPDATED* Minimum Practice Hours 

*NEW* Obtaining Informed Consent for Service, FAQs & Facilitating Informed Consent for Service Discussions with Individuals with a Communication Impairment

Professional Liability Insurance

Record Keeping

Use of Titles, Credentials, Certification Designations, and Use of the Title “Doctor”


Guidance Documents


The purpose of the CASLPM Guidance for Practising During a Pandemic document has been created to assist Manitoba audiologists and speech-language pathologists to engage in safe practice during the ongoing pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

CASLPM Guidance for Practising During a Pandemic Document 2020 09 11

The purpose of the CASLPM Telepractice Guidance document is to assist registrants in deciding when the use of telepractice is appropriate and to support the provision of effective healthcare using technology. This information should be read in conjunction with the Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Practice Directions.

CASLPM Telepractice Guidance Document 2020 04 03


National Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Competency Profiles

The purpose of the National Competency Profiles are to harmonize the registration processes of audiologists and speech-language pathologists across the regulated jurisdictions in Canada to provide standardized outcomes, enhanced public safety, and improved labour mobility. Each competency profile includes a preamble to the profession as well as a set of essential competencies and their related sub-competencies. Together, the components of the competency profiles detail the professional competencies required of each clinician upon entry-to-practice in Canada, with the aim of safe and effective practice.

National Audiology Competency Profile  •  Profil de compétences nationales pour l’audiologie

National Speech-Language Pathology Competency Profile  •  Profil de compétences nationales pour l’orthophonie