Regulating the Professions

The College is a statutory body established under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) in Manitoba, with the legislated authority and responsibility to regulate the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology. The College is obligated to establish criteria for registration and ongoing criteria to maintain eligibility to practice the professions in Manitoba.


The Regulated Health Professions Act

The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) was enacted to consolidate the regulation of health professions in Manitoba.

Prior to the RHPA coming into force, there were 21 statutes regulating 22 different health professions. These statutes will all be repealed over time and each profession will then be regulated under the RHPA, with profession specific regulations.

The College of Audiologists and SpeechLanguage Pathologists of Manitoba was the first regulatory body to be established under the RHPA, coming into force January 1, 2014.

Under the RHPA, health care provided by health professionals is regulated through reserved acts instead of through exclusive scopes of practice. Only certain regulated health professions and qualified, skilled members of those professions are allowed to perform reserved acts.


The College and professions are regulated under the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology General College & Practice Regulations

Scope of Professional Practice

The  scope of practice of audiology is defined as:

  1. the assessment of auditory and vestibular functions; and
  2. the treatment and prevention of auditory and vestibular dysfunctions;

to develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment auditory, vestibular, and communicative functions and auditory and vestibular health. The scope of practice includes education, administration, and research related to audiology.

The scope of practice of speech-language pathology is defined as:

  1. the assessment of speech and language functions related communication disorders and swallowing functions; and
  2. the treatment and prevention of speech and language dysfunctions and disorders, including vocal tract dysfunction and related swallowing dysfunctions and disorders;

to develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment oral motor, communicative functions, vocal tract dysfunction, or elective modifications of communication behaviours, and to enhance communication. The scope of practice includes education, administration and research related to speech-language pathology.


Reserved Acts that can be performed by Professionals

Audiologists are authorized to perform six (6) reserved acts.

Speech-Language Pathologists are authorized to perform eight (8) reserved acts.


The College of Audiology and Speech–Language Pathology of Manitoba General Regulation 192/2013:

  1. Provide for the registration of registrants of the College;
  2. Specify which category of registrants can perform specified reserved acts and the limits and conditions on the performance of those reserved acts;
  3. Regulate the use of titles of the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology;
  4. Set out the Standards of Practice of the professions; and
  5. Set out continuing competency requirements for registrants of the College.


Regulated Health Professions (Ministerial) Regulation 195/2013