AGM, Annual Reports and By-Laws

Annual General Meeting

Upcoming AGM: Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

2024 CASLPM AGM Agenda


CASLPM Council Election Dates – Proposed Changes for Confirmation at 2024 AGM



Annual Report

The College must submit an annual report to the Minister of Health after the end of the College’s fiscal year.

2023 CASLPM Annual Report & Reviewed Financial Statements

Annual Reports Archive



2024 Bylaw Change Summary for AGM

CASLPM By-laws for Confirmation at 2024 AGM (changes tracked) and CLEAN Version 

The By-Laws describe the process by which the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Manitoba is administered. The By-Laws provide the rules outlining matters including, but not limited to:

  • Council, Officers, and Elections
  • Business of the College
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Composition and Duties of Statutory and Standing Committees
  • Remuneration and Expenses of Council and Committees
  • Meetings of the Council
  • Rights, Obligations and Privileges of Registrants
  • Fees of the College
  • Business Arrangements

The By-Laws of the College are confirmed by registrants annually.